Board of Directors

Nominations to the Board of Directors for the Western Cover Crops Council are now open!

To nominate a member to the Western Cover Crops Council Board of Directors, please use the form below. [Jump to form]

Nominees must be members of the WCCC. To become a member, go to this link: https://westerncovercrops.org/become-a-member/

Self-nominations are allowed and encouraged.

Nominations can be made anonymously. Nominees will not be informed of who nominated them unless you enter your name on the nomination form.

In the event that the number of qualified nominees is less than or equal to the number of open positions in an election, these positions are considered uncontested. Ballot voting for uncontested elections may be foregone and nominees elected by acclamation. 

The Board of Directors is the decision-making body for the WCCC and consists of a maximum of nineteen (19) elected members. The Board of Directors shall be referred to as “the Board” and its members shall be referred to as “Directors.” 

The WCCC By-laws state that the Board shall consist of:

  • Five (5) positions reserved for farmer/grower members
  • Four (4) positions reserved for Committee Chairs from each Regional Committee
  • Three (3) positions reserved for ag industry members
  • Three (3) positions reserved for land grant university members
  • One (1) position reserverved for non-governmental organization (NGO) members

Directors serve three-year terms with no term limits.

Nominate a Member to the Board Of Directors